FDA Data Dashboard
- Dashboard has been integrated with the ORA Unified Logon application. To obtain the credentials necessary to use the API, please submit authorization key requests using the online ORA Unified Logon application.
- Published 483s data is now available on the Inspections Dashboard and Firm Profiles.
- LAAF-accredited laboratory capacity and respective compliance dates have been added to the LAAF Dashboard.
The FDA created the Data Dashboard to increase transparency and accountability by displaying and allowing the analysis of public FDA data through easy to use, visually accessible, customizable, and understandable graphics.
Compliance Dashboards

U.S. domestic and foreign inspections by fiscal year, classification, product type, etc.

Imports Summary
Imports summary data by fiscal year, import lines, product categories, countries, etc.
FSMA Data Search

Within the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), the Foreign Supplier Verification Program’s (FSVP) rule requires importers to perform risk-based activities to verify that their suppliers are meeting applicable U.S. food safety standards.

View public registry of accreditation bodies and laboratories participating in the Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods Program (LAAF).

View public registry of recognized accreditation bodies and accredited certification bodies participating in the Accredited Third-Party Certification Program (TPP).

View importers participating in Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP).
About the Data Dashboard
The Data Dashboard allows users to interactively explore, search and export information from FDA’s public datasets. Here, data from different FDA systems are pulled into a central location, transformed, enriched, and linked together to highlight relationships, increase clarity, reveal trends, simplify access, and promote overall information transparency. In addition, programmatic data access is provided via an Application Programming Interface (API) and users may also subscribe to notifications about important changes and updates to the Data Dashboard site.
The Data Dashboard contains data elements from FDA compliance and enforcement data sources, including Inspections, Compliance Actions, Recalls, Imports, and Food Safety Modernization Act programs. New dashboards with additional sources will continue to be added. Further information about specific data is available on the Compliance Dashboards or FSMA Data Search pages.
Questions and comments pertaining to the FDA Data Dashboard and source data may be directed by email to: FDADataDashboard@fda.hhs.gov.