Compliance Dashboards
Explore and analyze public FDA data within the below compliance-related datasets.

U.S. domestic and foreign inspections by fiscal year, classification, product type, etc.

Imports Summary
Imports summary data by fiscal year, import lines, product categories, countries, etc.
About the Data
The Data Dashboard sources much of its content from FDA compliance and enforcement data that is cleared for public access. It contains data elements from Inspections, Compliance Actions, Recalls, Imports, and Food Safety Modernization Act programs. New dashboards with additional sources will continue to be added.
Where appropriate, a section at the top of each dashboard page includes guidance on the data used, any limitations as well as clarifications regarding what the data represents.
Imports Entry dashboard data is refreshed every Thursday night. All other compliance dashboard data is refreshed every Monday. Imports Summary fiscal year data is published annually in October. Downloadable Shipment Details zip files are posted by the 5th of each month.
Further information about data sources used is arranged below by topic.
Inspection Classification
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducts inspections and assessments of regulated facilities to determine a firm's compliance with applicable laws and regulations, such as the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and related Acts.
The ORA FOIA Electronic Reading Room displays copies of ORA domestic inspection and related records.
The results show final classifications of No Action Indicated (NAI), Voluntary Action Indicated (VAI), Official Action Indicated (OAI) for each project area within an inspection.
Not all inspections are included in the database. Inspections conducted by States, pre-approval inspections, inspections waiting for a final enforcement action, and inspections of nonclinical labs are not included. Inspections of nonclinical labs are available at Nonclinical Laboratories Inspected under Good Laboratory Practices.
Compliance data provides information on a subset of the actions used by the FDA to bring firms into compliance, specifically data pertaining to Warning Letters, Seizures, and Injunctions. The compliance actions disclosed include only finalized and completed actions and are primarily used in the domestic arena. Actions pertaining to foreign firms often take the form of import alerts.
Recalls data included is based on the FDA’s Enforcement Reports. For more detailed information about individual recalls, refer to the Enforcement Reports and Recalls, Market Withdrawals & Safety Alerts webpages.
The Import Program Resources page contains information explaining the import process for FDA-regulated products.